
Sure Signs You Need a New Water Heater: Talk to the Hot Water Experts

Sure Signs You Need a New Water Heater: Talk to the Hot Water Experts

If your water heater is on its last leg, you might be tempted to wait until it fails completely to replace it. This is a mistake. Not only is this inconvenient and could lead to days without hot water, it could also cause water damage. That is why we recommend reading on to learn some of the sure signs that you should replace and/or upgrade your water heater.

You Never Seem to Have Enough Hot Water

The first sign that it is time to consider a new water heater is that you do not have enough water. If you get in the shower and are only halfway done washing up before the water starts to get colder, then you might have an issue. You want a hot water heater that can handle your home at all times. If you feel like you are constantly trying to rush through your shower to make sure you do not have to finish in cold water, then you should contact The Stanley Louis Company for help.

Your Water Temperature is Not Steady

If you never know what you’re going to get when you turn on the hot water, or if the water fluctuates suddenly and unexpectedly, then this might be a sign you need to replace the hot water heater. Do you find that the water goes from warm to hot to cold while you are in the shower or washing your hands, even though you have not touched the temperature gauge?

If your unit is also more than ten years old, then it is certainly time to upgrade to a newer system. The issues you are having now are only going to get worse. You are also putting your entire plumbing system at risk, as these issues can cause damage if not taken care of.

Your Water Bills Are Higher Than They Used to Be

If you have noticed that your water bills are higher than they used to be, with no obvious reason, then it could be that hot water heater is in need of replacement. These higher bills are a sign that something in your home is inefficient, and the hot water heater is the “something” in your home that uses more water than anything else.

Contact Us Now for Help Finding the Right Water Heater for Your Needs

If you think that your hot water heater is in need of replacement, or even repair, then contact The Stanley Louis Company at 800-217-6527. We are standing by to help you find the right solution for your unique situation. We can tell you about cost-effective options that can save you in the long run, or we can replace your unit with a similar unit. The choice is yours – call us today to get started.

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2230 Amapola Court #6
Torrance , CA , 90501 USA